COSIGN 2001 Proceedings
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Andy Clarke, Clive Fencott, Craig Lindley, Grethe Mitchell, Frank Nack (eds)
These are the full proceedings of COSIGN 2001, featuring all of the papers listed below plus the introduction written by the organisers of the conference.
Interpoetry: A Game of Words, Images and Sounds as a Poetic Sign in Digital Media
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Jorge Luiz Antonio, Philadelpho Menezes, Wilton Azevedo
This paper explores the hypertextuality and interactivity of Philadelpho Menezes and Wilton Azevedo's CDROM Interpoesia (Interpoetry). By describing the procedures of poetic construction, it proposes the poetic sign as a game of words, images and sounds in digital environment.
_the data][h!][bleeding/m[ez]ang.elle.d texts: Constructing Polysemic & Neology Fic/Factions Online_
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Mez (Mary-Anne) Breeze
This paper describes the author's artwork, particularly her experiments with a highly-modified, poly-semantic, self-created language called mezangelle.
The Text You Write Must Desire Me: Fonts as the Penultimate Interactive Artform, Second Only to Sex
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Paul Chan
This paper examines the Alternumerics series of fonts, designed by the author, which explores the fissure between what we write and we what mean and transforms any computer connected to a standard printer into an interactive artmaking installation.
Bridging the Semantic Gap in Content Management Systems: Computational Media Aesthetics
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Chitra Dorai, Svetha Venkatesh
This paper proposes solutions to the semantic gap in current media annotation systems - the discontinuity between the simplicity of features or content descriptions that can be currently computed automatically and the richness of semantics in user queries posed for media search and retrieval.
Narratives Argument for Interaction Models: Or How Our Unstable Double-Agent Found its Way into the Textual Machine
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Jaap Drooglever
This paper outlines a semiotic reading of Andruid Kerne’s CollageMachine which results in the conflation of the software agent with the narrative agent of post-structural semiotics, describing how this reader-orientated approach can lead to the exploration of new and exiting territory.
Issues of Sequence In Converging Media: Studying World Wide Web Documentaries
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Anders Fagerjord
The paper reports on a study where three print articles, three television documentaries, and three web sites to see what constitutes linearity, and whether nonlinearity takes the place of linearity in web media. Devices of transition, disposition, and linking are studied, as well as aspects of narration.
From "First-Person Shooter" to Multi-User Knowledge Spaces
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Mathias Fuchs, Sylvia Eckermann
This paper explores the use of knowledge spaces, describing an project produced by the authors which brought together exhibits from 10 Viennese museums in a virtual environment created using the Unreal Tournament games engine.
Konsum Art-Server nTRACKER
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Margarete Jahrmann, Max Moswitzer
This paper describes the nTracker VJing/data visualisation system designed by the authors.
The Link is the Data: On Realisations, Representations, and the Link Betwixt
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Werner Kriechbaum, Gerhard Stenzel
This paper shows how links can be used to imprint structural and supplementary information from the representation of multimedia data on the realisation and thus enable a structure-based navigation. The authors suggest that similar linking mechanisms can and should be used to connect descriptive metadata with the essence.
Literary Theory and Computer Games
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Julian Kücklich
This paper discusses the possibilities and limitations of analyzing computer games from a literary perspective, assessing the merits of this perspective and its contributions to a general theory of interactive fiction. While I am mostly concerned with narratological aspects of computer games, I also try to define areas of inquiry for which the terminology of literary theory is not appropriate.
Sentient VR Environment Design: The Memesis Project
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Alison McMahan
This paper describes the Memesis project, an interface and navigation system that “reads� input off the player/user (using technologies derived polygraph and blood pressure testing, among others) in order to provide the user with a tailor-made experience based on sub-conscious as well as conscious input.
Cypher: Cyber Photographer in Wonder Space
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Takahiro Nakai, Makoto Tadenuma, Shoji Tanaka, Keiko Nakao
This paper describes a system which makes it possible for the user to create a virtual world simply by using building blocks and to take photographs, blending the real world with a virtual world, of themselves there.
Polygon Destinies: The Production of Place in the Digital Role-Playing Game
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Julian Holland Oliver
This paper illustrates how the production of place is integral to navigation and progression through a digital role-playing game, and explores how a dematerialised sense of place is produced in and through them.
A Missing Link: The Role of Semiotics in Multiagent Enviroments
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Mirko Petric, Inga Tomic-Koludrovic, Ivica Mitrovic
This paper outlines the elements of several classical semiotic theories which are potentially useful in current and future AI research centered on autonomous agent modeling.
Streams of Motion (Super Spectacular): A Virtual Reality Art Work
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Tim Portlock
This paper describes the author's VR artwork, The Streams of Motion (Super Spectacular) project, concentrating on the process of creating the work and the aesthetic decisions made in producing it. It forms part of the author's long-term exploration of certain issues particular to the process of creating art within the medium of virtual reality.
Metaphors and Multimodal Interaction
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Dorothy Rachovides, Zoë Swiderski, Alan P. Parkes
This paper explores the potential of multimodality and multi-modelling to aid in the creation of truly multimedia systems, describing two systems which attempt to implement these approaches.
Seine hohle Form - Artistic Collaboration in an Interactive Dance and Music Performance Environment
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Joseph Butch Rovan, Robert Wechsler, Frieder Weiss
This paper outlines some of the technical and aesthetic concerns involved when musicians and choreographers collaborate within the context of an interactive dance system. Issues of mapping are examined, focusing on the mapping of dance gesture to real-time synthesis parameters.
A Semiotic Communication Model for Interface Design
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Raffaella Scalisi
This paper outlines the author's research which aims to contribute to the creation of a semiotic framework for interface design. Using the Jakobson’s communication model to analyse the HCI approach to interface development, it descibes how some central factors of communication are not considered enough by designers.
Designing Interactive Narratives
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Mikael B. Skov, Peter Bøgh Andersen
This paper explores the difficulties in creating interactive narratives, whether these are for computer games or other purposes, such as training or assessment systems. It discusses the inherent contradiction between interactivity and narrativity, and proposes solutions to these problems.
Life/Style OnLine: A Web-Based Methodology for Visually-Oriented Consumer Research
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Michael R. Solomon, Basil G. Englis
This paper describes Life/Style, a web-based interactive data collection technique that allows respondents to manipulate visual images of products as a means of expressing their tastes and preferences.
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Ramesh Srinivasan, Roderick Ferguson, Befekadu Ayenew
This paper describes PhotoGlas, a visual browser for news, which uses a web crawler to retrieve photographs and extract keywords from news sites and presents these multiple sources to the user as a montage - with meaningful juxtapositions - that reflects a news topic.
Beyond Manzanar: Constructing Meaning in Interactive Virtual Reality
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Tamiko Thiel
This paper describes Beyond Manzanar, a virtual reality artwork which explores parallels between experiences of Japanese Americans imprisoned during World War II, and Iranian Americans threatened with a similar fate during the 1979-‘80 hostage crisis.
Semiotic and Non-Semiotic MUD Performance
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Ragnhild Tronstad
This paper explores the difference between ’performative’ and ’theatrical’ acts within MUDs, arguing that to understand the performative aspects of MUDs it is necessary to separate ’acts’ from ’meaning’ (ie to avoid confusing the questing process with the experience of having solved a quest.
Introducing Interrelations of Madness and Virtuality
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Steffen P. Walz, Isabel Zundel
This paper explores semiotically interrelations between representations of madness, and virtuality in immersive virtual environments, giving an introduction to these ‘altered states’, and suggesting that it is possible to learn from codes and mappings of madness in order to create virtual environments, and learn from codes of virtual environments in order to understand representations of madness.